Attorney Advice and Expert Reports
When managing a legal practice, attorneys are often confronted with issues concerning ethics or professional responsibility, legal malpractice or disputes between partners or employees. If not effectively addressed, such issues can have a significant impact on a firm’s practice and the attorneys’ professional careers. At Tesser, Ryan & Rochman, LLP, our attorneys are keenly aware of the issues that lawyers and firms face in operating a professional practice, and are devoted to representing and advising lawyers in all aspects of their legal practice.
In addition to general practice advice, our professional practice covers five main areas: professional ethics and responsibility, practice formation, management and organization, dispute resolution between partners including mediation and arbitration, risk management including avoiding malpractice and ethics issues, and issuance of professional and expert opinions about legal practice. Additionally, we also advice firms on employment matters and law firm dissolution.
At Tesser, Ryan & Rochman, LLP, our attorneys have decades of experience advising lawyers and firms on professional practice matters, and have published articles about such issues in The New York Law Journal, One on One (New York State Bar Association), New York Law (Bloomberg Law Reports), and the New York County Lawyer. We have also represented attorneys and firms facing disciplinary proceedings before ethics committees, firms subject to malpractice suits, attorneys facing criminal charges, and attorneys involved in civil litigation concerning their legal practice.
Let us know if our attorneys can help your legal practice navigate these complex issues which arise in managing a legal practice.